Weymouth Public Libraries Community Connections: January 2024

From: Weymouth Public Libraries - Tufts Library
January 17, 2024

Friends of the Weymouth Libraries

Membership: Support the Friends by becoming a member. A $15 individual or $25 family membership helps contribute to all of the library programs the Friends organization supports.

January Sale Week:  The 3rd week sale is Tuesday through Saturday, January 16th - 20th.  All items with red dots will be 50 cents!

Papa Gino's Night  Support the Friends by going to Papa Gino’s on February 8th. Remember there is a lot more than just pizza to enjoy at Papa Gino's!

Bookstore Special:  From February 1st to 14th is a Manager’s Special to have a blind date with a book. All books will be nicely wrapped and identified by category. Choose a book, pay, and go on the blind date! 

In Search Of...

Bookstore Volunteers  The Friends is always looking for volunteers for our bookstore. If you would like to volunteer for a 2 hour time slot email Stacy Willfong at friendsofweymouth.volunteer@gmail.com 

Graphic Novels:  We are always looking for graphic novels as they are very popular. If you are looking to clean out your children’s bookcase in 2024, please keep us in mind for donations.  We also welcome children and adult books. Just drop them of at our bookstore.

Membership Committee: The Friends of the Weymouth Libraries organization is looking for people who are interested serving on this committee. Our goal is to increase and maintain membership  The Committee meets monthly for 2 hours

Mental Health Resources from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Make The Connection



Veterans Crisis Line


Additional Mental Health Resources @ VA.GOV


A Few Tips to Manage Your Food Budget from the Weymouth Food Pantry

Meal planning: Creating a plan is one of the best ways to save on your food budget and will help eliminate costly last-minute meals. Make a list of meals you love, create a schedule for the meals you’ll eat in the coming week, make a detailed grocery list for the week and stick to it. Prep ahead of time whenever possible.

Make a shopping list and stick to it: Having a thorough list will give you an idea of how much your food is going to cost, and will allow you to make adjustments before you spend your first dollar. That way, if you’re going to be over budget you can make some substitutions. If you're over budget you can put that money towards kitchen staples for the future.

Buy your staples in bulk: Buying bulk packaged items are going to cost a bit less than buying individual pieces. So, buying an entire crate of peaches could save you a good chunk of change over buying them individually or by the pound. But, only buy bulk items that you know you will use.

Get to know what's in season: Eating seasonally is a great way to save money on groceries. Produce that is in season usually tastes much better and is less expensive.

Take inventory of the food in your house: Before you go grocery shopping, take a look at what you already have in your pantry and fridge and plan to incorporate these items in your meals for the week.

Avoid eating out (too often): Eating out can be expensive, so try to limit it to special occasions.

Track what you spend: Keep track of your food expenses to see where you can cut back.

Limit trips to the grocery store: It's easy to add one or two items when you are in the store - there's a whole business (and psychology) around store diplays and product placement. Fewer trips equals fewer opportunities to be tempted.

Tax Time

Tax Help for Seniors - Weymouth Elder Services is offering Tax Appointments for Seniors.

Full details on availability can be found here

Tax Forms and Instructions - Both Tufts and Fogg Library will have limited federal forms and instructions and state tax booklets, including forms, available as the IRS ships them to us. 

All federal forms and instructions are also online at IRS.gov

All state forms and instructions are online at MA Department of Revenue at 


Tufts Library staff on the 2nd floor is available to help you with accessing tax forms online.

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