Falmouth Public Library Weekly Update: October 19, 2023

From: Falmouth Public Library
October 19, 2023

In this Issue:

Changes to Kanopy
Tea for Health: A Virtual Talk with Judy Palken Registered Dietitian
Tips for Successful Aging in Place
Weekly Staff Pick!
What's Happening This Week At The Library For Kids
What's Happening This Week At The Library For Teens & Adults
Connect with Us!

Changes to Kanopy
Important changes are coming to Kanopy starting November 1st.
What will be changing? Instead of play credits, Kanopy users will now be issued "tickets" every month. As a Falmouth Public Library patron, you will be getting 15 tickets a month to watch Kanopy content. Kanopy Kids will remain unlimited and will not be affected by this change. For more information, check out our library blog.

Tea for Health: A Virtual Talk with Judy Palken Registered Dietitian

Thursday, November 2nd, 5:30pm-6:30pm
Online via Zoom
Drinking tea seems to provide multiple health benefits, and there are so many varieties of delicious tea to enjoy! Join us and find some creative and practical ways to get more of this versatile and healthful beverage into your life. Also, enjoy tea art in this presentation - you will be amazed at how many wonderful paintings celebrate the tradition of drinking tea. Register below by clicking the button below.
Judy Palken, MNS, RD, LDN is a registered dietitian who translates the science of nutrition into practical recommendations for health. She has a master's degree in Clinical Nutrition from Cornell University, and spent many years in Boston hospitals, with a specialty in cardiac nutrition. More recently, she has worked in nutrition research in the Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. Currently Judy develops nutrition classes, teaching how great food choices and other healthful behaviors can reduce inflammation, promote good health, and help us to feel our best.
Please note that this is a virtual event only, and that it takes place when our library is not open. This Zoom talk has been shared with us by the Brewster Ladies Library!

Tips for Successful Aging in Place

Thursday, November 9th, 1:30pm-3pm
Hermann Meeting Room
The Falmouth Public Library in partnership with Neighborhood Falmouth presents a talk on Tips for Successful Aging in Place. This event is free and open to all. Please register as space is limited.
Cape Cod resident and certified Aging in Place specialist, Dave Karas, will be on hand to provide some great tips on easy and free or affordable modifications you can do to your home to make it more safe and aging-ready. Aging in Place (AIP) is defined as “the ability to live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level”.
Dave Karas has been a professional licensed remodeling contractor for over 40 years. He has modified, repaired, replaced, and rebuilt both new and existing properties for successful AIP throughout his career.
Neighborhood Falmouth is a non-profit organization that provides support services to seniors in the Falmouth community. The organization aims to help seniors live independently and maintain their quality of life by providing services such as transportation, grocery shopping, yard work, minor home repairs, and friendly visits. Neighborhood Falmouth operates on a volunteer-based model, where volunteers from the community are matched with seniors who need assistance. This allows seniors to receive personalized support while also fostering a sense of community and connection among volunteers and seniors.

Weekly Staff Pick!
The Lost Manuscript by Cathy Bonidan

"Discovering an abandoned manuscript in her Brittany hotel room, a woman falls in love with the story and begins a life-changing correspondence with its mysterious writer."

What's Happening This Week At The Library For Kids

Weekly Programming for Children

Fridays: Scavenger Hunt from 2pm-7pm at the North Falmouth Branch
Saturdays: Scavenger Hunt from 9am-12pm at the East Falmouth Branch
Mondays: Block Party: Lego's in the Library! from 4pm-5:30pm at the North Falmouth Branch
Tuesdays: Stories, Songs and Instruments from 10am-10:30am at the East Falmouth Branch
Stay & Make Drop In Craft from 10am-2pm at the North Falmouth Branch

What's Happening This Week At The Library For Teens & Adults

Weekly Programming for Teens and Adults
Thursday: Why Knot Knit Nite from 5pm-7pm at the East Falmouth Branch
Tuesday: Sit n' Stitch from 10am-12pm at the East Falmouth Branch
Genealogy Help Session from 2pm-4pm in the Reference Room

Joy of Learning Written Language Past and Present with Ryan Budnick
Thursdays, 10/19 and 10/26, 2pm-3pm
Hermann Meeting Room
Writing is one of the most widespread and influential technologies in the world (that you are using right now!), and has taken many forms across space and time. This course covers the history of writing systems, from ancient Cuneiform and the recently deciphered Mayan through to modern spelling reform movements. Different types of writing systems are surveyed, demonstrating how the particular system used by a community may be the result of a combination of historical accident, political expression, and functional need.

Ryan Budnick has a bachelor's degree in Linguistics from Princeton University and recently completed his Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. While his research focuses on the formal modeling of language acquisition, he has a deep interest in bringing accessible linguistics education to general audiences.
If you already registered once, you do not need to register again.

Friday Films Classic Edition - Rear Window (1954)
Friday, October 20th, 3pm-5pm
Hermann Meeting Room
Join us for our Friday Films showing of the 1954 classic movie Rear Window!
"Professional photographer L.B. "Jeff" Jeffries, becomes obsessed with watching the private dramas of his neighbors while confined to a wheelchair with a broken leg. When he suspects that a salesman may have murdered his nagging, invalid wife, Jeffries enlists the help of his stunning socialite girlfriend to investigate the suspicious chain of events."
This movie viewing is free to the public and is supported by the Friends of the Falmouth Public Library. Registration is required as seating is limited.

Joy of Learning People, Land, and Climate Change with Skee (R.A.) Houghton
Mondays, 10/23 and 10/30, 2pm-3pm
Hermann Meeting Room
The primary driver of climate change is carbon dioxide. What adds CO2 to the atmosphere? What removes it? How has the concentration changed over the last 170 years and longer? What can we do to slow or reverse the rise in CO2? This course will emphasize the role of land and land use in the global carbon cycle and in the management of future changes in climate.
Skee (R.A.) Houghton is senior scientist emeritus at the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Falmouth. He was an active researcher at the Center for 35 years, studying the effects of land-use change on terrestrial carbon storage and climate change. He received a Ph.D. in ecology from Stony Brook University in 1979. He has worked at the Marine Biological Laboratory, at NASA, and has participated in numerous IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) assessments.
If you already registered once, you do not need to registered again.

Joy of Learning Station Eleven Discussion with Monica Hough
Tuesday, 10/24, 4pm-5pm
Bay Meeting Room
Emily St. John Mandel’s 2014 novel, depicting life after a devastating pandemic destroys most of the world’s population, took on new significance in 2020, reminding readers that “survival is insufficient,” and demonstrating the power of art, relationships, and maintaining humanity in an inhumane world. This discussion-based course will explore the ways in which Mandel uses structure and style to support her themes and create deeper meaning. As the characters question the importance of remembering and understanding the past, we will investigate Mandel’s incorporation of allusions ranging from Shakepespeare to Sartre to Star Trek to illustrate the value of collective memory and the restorative potential of art. Mandel has described her novel as a “love letter to the modern world, written in the form of a requiem,” and Station Eleven reminds us of the beauty of life on Earth. Participants should read the novel before the start of the course. It is available to borrow from the Reference Desk.
Please note that our fiction book club will read her recent book, Sea of Tranquility, for the November meeting-all are welcome!
Monica Hough has been teaching English at Falmouth Academy since 1986. She holds a B.A. in English from Yale University. Station Eleven is part of her ninth-grade English curriculum.
If you already registered once, you do not need to register again.
Space is limited to 20 participants as this is a discussion.

Author Christopher Setterlund Searching for our Lady of the Dunes
Tuesday, October 24th, 6:30pm-8pm
Hermann Meeting Room
We are excited to welcome Cape author Christopher Setterlund to the library, to talk about his newest book Searching for our Lady of the Dunes and answer any questions!
"For nearly fifty years, the Lady of the Dunes was Cape Cod’s most enduring mystery. Found savagely murdered and mutilated in the remote dunes of Provincetown in 1974 it seemed her identity would be forever unknown. In 2022 she was finally identified as Ruth Marie Terry. Filmmaker Victor Franko worked tirelessly for two years attempting to give the Lady of the Dunes her name back through his documentary film, The Lady of the Dunes (2022). The process led to visiting rustic dune shacks, creepy cemeteries, iconic Provincetown night spots, Boston’s infamous Combat Zone, and correspondence with convicted serial killers. Over time the project became about more than just a dead girl in the dunes. The documentary shone new light on the Lady of the Dunes case. This book pulls the curtain back on the Wild West that was Provincetown in the 1960s and 1970s thanks to those who were there at the time."

Christopher Setterlund is a 12th generation Cape Codder and part of a big local family. He has written three travel guides, In My Footsteps: A Cape Cod Travel Guide, In My Footsteps: A Traveler's Guide to Martha's Vineyard and In My Footsteps: A Traveler's Guide to Nantucket. His Cape history books are Historic Restaurants of Cape Cod, Cape Cod Nights: Historic Bars, Clubs and Drinks and Iconic Hotels and Motels of Cape Cod, and he also has a new photography book, Cape Cod: the Heart and Soul beyond the Beach. He also hosts the In My Footsteps Podcast and is a certified personal trainer.
This event is free. Please register by clicking the button below, or call the Reference Department at 508-457-2555 x7!

Fact & Fiction Book Group
Wednesday, October 25th, 10am-11am
East Falmouth Branch
Please join us for the monthly meeting of the Fact & Fiction Book Group as we discuss this month's selection Moonglow: A Novel by Michael Chabon. Copies of the book will be available at the branch libraries one month prior to the meeting. This discussion group is currently drop in so no registration is required.
"A tale inspired by long-buried family history imparts the deathbed revelation of an ancestor's involvement in a mail-order novelty company famed for ads in mid-20th-century periodicals and the family's experiences around World War II and the space program in culturally divided regions of America."

Joy of Learning Texture of Memory with Rae Nishi
Wednesday, 10/25, 3pm-4pm
Hermann Meeting Room
This course will cover how memories are formed, what happens when these processes are damaged, and how memories shape our identities, culture and history.
Rae is a retired neuroscientist with a PhD in Biology, and resides in Falmouth year-round. Prior to retirement, she was Director of Education at the Marine Biological Laboratory, and prior to that, she was a tenured full professor in the Neurological Sciences Department at the University of Vermont.
If you already registered once, you do not need to registered again.

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